Italian experiences to face COVID - 19

Italy was one of the first European countries to be affected by COVID-19 and much has been done at hospital level, at community care level, to cope with the pandemic. 

Since 2008 the Italian National Agency for Regional Healthcare Services (AGENAS), launches an annual call to identify and collect local safety improvement experiences ( The 2020 Call for Good practice has been dedicated to the collection of experiences implemented at Regional, hospital, organization level to face COVID-19 outbreak. The aim is to share knowledge, experiences and solutions across Regions, healthcare organizations and professionals.

This section has been created in order to make the Italian experiences available at international level to all the professionals involved in the fight against SARS-COV-2. The section is dynamic, as it will be periodically updated. Contact details of the professionals involved in the practices’ implementation are provided, so as to enable exchange of knowledge and experiences.

Initiatives to support healthcare workers involved in managing the emergency

Thanks to the citizens, associations, foundations and companies, crowdfunding campaigns have been launched to support the public healthcare system of Bologna. Solidarity from public and private…
Integrated psychological intervention in time of COVID-19

The Hospital Psychology Unit of the San Martino Hospital of Belluno coordinated a psychological support program integrated with the institutions with the aim of responding, based on the emergency…
Management of the newborn babies with suspected or confirmed Covid-19 infection

With regards to Covid-19 infection in newborn babies, the following conditions can occur, which require the identification of different management paths, to be adapted based on the logistics of the…
Planning and implementing Special Units for Continuity of Care – household management of COVID-19 patients

In accordance with the provisions set out by Decree n. 14 of March 9 2020, the organization has been working to implement measures to guarantee household management of COVID-19 patients who do not…
Prevention and control of Sars-Cov-2 infection in long-term care facilities

Most cases of Covid-19 infection were diagnosed in elderly people with multiple pathologies. The elderly population is fragile and needs to be protected howsoever. Therefore, as part of Sars-Cov2…
Reorganizing the addiction recovery service in the context of the emergency caused by COVID19 pandemic

Here follow a description of the reorganization of the addiction recovery service because of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to keep treating 1007 patients. Starting from February 24, 2020 the…
Reorganizing the mental health center in the context COVID-19 outbreak

Here follow a description of the reorganization of the mental health center because of the COVID19 pandemic in the territory belonging to the Local Health Authority n.4 - Veneto- Orientale. Measures…
Robotic procedure for transport of blood products and medicines and for environmental sanitization of the Campus COVID center

    In response to the COVID-19 emergency and, in particular, to the high risk healthcare workers who are treating COVID patients are exposed to, the Directorate General of the University Teaching…
Staff surveillance

Since COVID-19 outbreak, the first priority of the Univerisyt Teaching Hospital Città della Salute e della Scienza of Torino was to protect healthcare workers and keep delivering services to…
The “OCCHIOBELLO” project: free online check-ups

The "Santa Maria Maddalena" private hospital has set up a remote check up service to meet the needs of those who are forced home by the Covid-19 epidemic. At the moment only delivery of urgent care…


Avvio della Call for Good Practice 2024

Il giorno 23 maggio 2024 si è aperta la Call for Good Practice 2024, la raccolta di buone pratiche sulla sicurezza del paziente promossa da AGENAS (Sedicesima edizione).

Le buone pratiche, realizzate dalle organizzazioni sanitarie e validate dalle Regioni/PA, quest’anno riguarderanno il tema del miglioramento dei processi diagnostici per garantire la sicurezza dei pazienti, tematica scelta dalla World Health Organization (WHO) per celebrare la sesta Giornata mondiale della sicurezza dei pazienti del 17 settembre 2024.

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Avvio della Call for Good Practice 2023

Il giorno 08 giugno 2023 si è aperta la Call for Good Practice 2023, la raccolta di buone pratiche sulla sicurezza del paziente promossa da AGENAS (Quindicesima edizione). Le buone pratiche, realizzate dalle organizzazioni sanitarie e validate dalle Regioni/PA, quest’anno riguarderanno il tema del coinvolgimento attivo dei pazienti, dei familiari e della comunità nella sicurezza dell’assistenza, tematica scelta dalla World Health Organization (WHO) per celebrare la quinta Giornata mondiale della sicurezza dei pazienti del 17 settembre 2023.

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Selezione società scientifiche ai sensi dell’art. 2 comma 3 del DM 29.09.2017

L’Osservatorio nazionale delle buone pratiche sulla sicurezza nella sanità, previo avviso pubblico, ha selezionato le società scientifiche e associazioni tecnico scientifiche ai sensi dell’art. 2 comma 3 del DM 29.07.2017. di cui potrà avvalersi per l’individuazione delle misure per la prevenzione e la gestione del rischio sanitario, e per il monitoraggio delle buone pratiche per la sicurezza delle cure.

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Selezione società scientifiche - Aggiornamento elenco

Riaprono i termini - entro il 15 ottobre 2021 - per le società scientifiche e associazioni tecnico-scientifiche, che vogliano candidarsi per collaborare con l’Osservatorio nazionale delle buone pratiche sulla sicurezza nella sanità. 

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Il Covid-19 al centro della Call delle buone pratiche 2020

La finalità è quella di condividere, diffondere e mettere a disposizione di tutte le Regioni e PA e di tutti gli attori del SSN le esperienze potenzialmente replicabili, nonché conoscenze e soluzioni utili a fronteggiare l'epidemia di covid-19.

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