Italian experiences to face COVID - 19

Italy was one of the first European countries to be affected by COVID-19 and much has been done at hospital level, at community care level, to cope with the pandemic. 

Since 2008 the Italian National Agency for Regional Healthcare Services (AGENAS), launches an annual call to identify and collect local safety improvement experiences ( The 2020 Call for Good practice has been dedicated to the collection of experiences implemented at Regional, hospital, organization level to face COVID-19 outbreak. The aim is to share knowledge, experiences and solutions across Regions, healthcare organizations and professionals.

This section has been created in order to make the Italian experiences available at international level to all the professionals involved in the fight against SARS-COV-2. The section is dynamic, as it will be periodically updated. Contact details of the professionals involved in the practices’ implementation are provided, so as to enable exchange of knowledge and experiences.

Activities of the psychological trauma center in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak

During COVID-19 outbreak, both citizens and healthcare workers were exposed to a high risk of post-traumatic stress due to the sudden and rapid evolution of the situation, to the risk of infection…
Cognitive support tools for front-line operators in the COVID19 emergency

The health emergency caused by COVID19 has questioned most of the operating methods of our hospitals, work flows, clinical-care pathways, relationships among operators and between operators and…
Coronavirus: in Bologna, healthcare workers have avatars on their badges

Doctors and nurses, harnessed with masks and different type of protections, all look the same, they are practically unrecognizable. However, especially in some wards, human relations, smilesand…
Doctors-family communication

Given the extremely high contagiousness of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the consequent need to wear appropriate PPE, for which specific training must be delivered, family members are not allowed to visit…
Ensuring appropriate safe care to immunocompromised patients due to diseases and/or ongoing treatmemnt

    Ensuring appropriate safe care to immunocompromised patients due to diseases and/or ongoing treatmemntPatients with neoplastic disease and, in particular, those undergoing chemo and…
Free online prenatal classes

Among the initiatives organized by the S. Orsola Polyclinic suspended due to COVID-19 outbreak, there are the prenatal classes. Prenatal and perinatal education aims increase awareness in women anc…
Guidance about surveillance of Covid-19 among staff of the Provincial Health Autority of Ragusa

The document is ment for providing guidance for managing cases where staff (healthcare, professional, technical and administrative staff) with possible Covid-19 contacts. The purpose is to keep…
Home delivery of antiretroviral therapy during COVID-19 pandemic

The procedure herein described was developed to manage medication therapies during the COVID-19 pandemic of patients with pre-existing diseases and most at risk. Home delivery of medication therapy…
Information and training about COVID-19

The pandemic stressed the need to implement actions aimed at supporting infection control programs, dissemination of good practices for prevention of healthcare associated infections and control of…
Information and training of healthcare workers about the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Guidelines concerning correct use of PPE issued by the Ministry of Health and the Region have been promptly implemented by the organizazion. These guidelines call for a strict compliance to standard…


Avvio della Call for Good Practice 2024

Il giorno 23 maggio 2024 si è aperta la Call for Good Practice 2024, la raccolta di buone pratiche sulla sicurezza del paziente promossa da AGENAS (Sedicesima edizione).

Le buone pratiche, realizzate dalle organizzazioni sanitarie e validate dalle Regioni/PA, quest’anno riguarderanno il tema del miglioramento dei processi diagnostici per garantire la sicurezza dei pazienti, tematica scelta dalla World Health Organization (WHO) per celebrare la sesta Giornata mondiale della sicurezza dei pazienti del 17 settembre 2024.

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Avvio della Call for Good Practice 2023

Il giorno 08 giugno 2023 si è aperta la Call for Good Practice 2023, la raccolta di buone pratiche sulla sicurezza del paziente promossa da AGENAS (Quindicesima edizione). Le buone pratiche, realizzate dalle organizzazioni sanitarie e validate dalle Regioni/PA, quest’anno riguarderanno il tema del coinvolgimento attivo dei pazienti, dei familiari e della comunità nella sicurezza dell’assistenza, tematica scelta dalla World Health Organization (WHO) per celebrare la quinta Giornata mondiale della sicurezza dei pazienti del 17 settembre 2023.

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Selezione società scientifiche ai sensi dell’art. 2 comma 3 del DM 29.09.2017

L’Osservatorio nazionale delle buone pratiche sulla sicurezza nella sanità, previo avviso pubblico, ha selezionato le società scientifiche e associazioni tecnico scientifiche ai sensi dell’art. 2 comma 3 del DM 29.07.2017. di cui potrà avvalersi per l’individuazione delle misure per la prevenzione e la gestione del rischio sanitario, e per il monitoraggio delle buone pratiche per la sicurezza delle cure.

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Selezione società scientifiche - Aggiornamento elenco

Riaprono i termini - entro il 15 ottobre 2021 - per le società scientifiche e associazioni tecnico-scientifiche, che vogliano candidarsi per collaborare con l’Osservatorio nazionale delle buone pratiche sulla sicurezza nella sanità. 

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Il Covid-19 al centro della Call delle buone pratiche 2020

La finalità è quella di condividere, diffondere e mettere a disposizione di tutte le Regioni e PA e di tutti gli attori del SSN le esperienze potenzialmente replicabili, nonché conoscenze e soluzioni utili a fronteggiare l'epidemia di covid-19.

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